City Voices: Let's Make People with Mental Health Challenges Smile Again!


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What City Voices is All About

Our mission is to give our peers the power to live life to the fullest by equipping them with valuable information, essential resources, and a platform to engage actively with their community.

Our vision is for a dynamic community of individuals who have faced mental health and/or substance use struggles, where mindfulness and artistic expression come together to cultivate a sense of inner peace, happiness, and self-love.

Our Founder: Ken Steele’s Inspiring Journey from Madness to Hope

Ken Steele was a man who not only battled with paranoid schizophrenia for over 30 years but also became a beacon of hope for countless others struggling with mental health challenges.

Ken’s journey began at the tender age of 14 when he started hearing voices commanding him to take his own life. For three decades, these voices were his constant companions, leading him down a path of hospitalizations, homelessness, and despair. Despite the immense challenges he faced, Ken found solace in reading and writing, which helped him cope with his hallucinations.

Ken’s experiences inspired him to become a powerful advocate for the mental health community. In 1994, he founded the Mental Health Voter Empowerment Project, which registered thousands of his peers to vote and educated them on the candidates. He believed that people with mental health challenges deserved a voice in the political process, just like other marginalized communities.

Ken’s passion for advocacy didn’t stop there. He began writing articles about the political decisions affecting people in the mental health system and collected personal recovery stories and poetry from his peers. This humble newsletter grew into a professionally printed newspaper called New York City Voices, which reached thousands of readers and continued to thrive even after Ken’s passing in 2000.

Ken’s memoir, “The Day the Voices Stopped,” is a raw and honest account of his journey through madness and hope. He bravely shares the details of his hospitalizations, the sexual abuse he endured, and the abandonment he felt from his family. Perhaps most poignantly, he describes the terror he experienced when the voices suddenly stopped after 30 years, leaving him to face the world without his constant companions.

Ken Steele’s legacy lives on through the countless lives he touched and the organizations he founded. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of advocacy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health challenges, know that you are not alone. Ken’s journey reminds us that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.

Enhancing the Quality of Life for Individuals Facing Adversity

Addressing Emotional Wellbeing

For individuals living with low income, mental health, and/or addiction challenges, enhancing their emotional well-being is crucial. Here are some strategies that we use to foster happiness, peace, and joy into their lives:

1. Fun Activities and Events:

  • We organize community events such as picnics, walks in the park, museum & art gallery visits, to foster a sense of belonging.

2. Performance and Visual Arts:

  • We engage individuals in artistic experiences through painting, drawing, music, and theater.
  • We provide opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and a sense of purpose.

3. Volunteer Opportunities:

  • We encourage participation in volunteer activities that connect individuals with their community.
  • We foster a sense of meaning and purpose through giving back to others.

4. Support Groups:

  • We create safe and supportive spaces for individuals to share their experiences and provide mutual encouragement.
  • We connect individuals with peer support and resources that can provide guidance.

5. Spirituality:

  • We explore the benefits of spirituality and faith within the community.
  • We provide opportunities for meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practices to promote inner peace and resilience.

Overcoming Challenges and Fostering Happiness

By implementing these strategies, we can help individuals overcome the challenges they face and cultivate a sense of happiness and fulfillment:

  • Addressing Hardship: Acknowledge and validate the hardships individuals experience, providing empathy and understanding.
  • Encouraging Participation: Promote active participation in activities and events to break down isolation and build a sense of community.
  • Cultivating Smiles: Create a positive and uplifting environment where laughter and joy are nurtured.
  • Fostering Peace: Establish calm and serene spaces where individuals can find respite and inner tranquility.
  • Building Community: Emphasize the importance of community connections, fostering a sense of belonging and support.


Improving the quality of life for individuals facing adversity requires a holistic approach that addresses their emotional well-being. Through the implementation of fun activities, performance and visual arts, volunteer opportunities, support groups, and spirituality, we can empower our peers to overcome challenges, experience happiness, and find peace and joy in their lives. By creating a supportive and inclusive community, we can make a meaningful difference for those who need it most.
